-- 2017 --

"​Dancing your dreams"

10. Jan - 07. Feb 2017

Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​„Uninterpreted dreams are like letters unread.Talmud

In the beginning of 2017 we are giving space to our dreams. Moving them in our bodies we are open for all that wants to unfold.
For some time now, I have been fascinated by dreams and their precision. I am in awe of how creatively our subconscious develops pictures loaded with emotions that reflect deep truths about us (messages from our soul and our creator).

On this exciting journey to our inner self, we are going to explore our *nightlife* lovingly and get a sense of us as a whole.

"​Dancing -
on earth as it is in heaven?"

28. Feb - 11. April 2017

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

Small faith gets our heart into heaven. Big Faith brings heaven into our heart.Spurgeon

Til spring break we are going to enter into the heavenly realm of worship. With our dance we want to touch the heart of our Father, honor Him and enjoy His presence.

His kingdom is expanding inside of us and all around. Exercises will help awaken our inner senses.

He will inspire us in our day to day living, so we may be more and more transformed and covered by his glory.

May faith take over our whole being - flowing over head and heart.

"​Creative Weekend"

03. Mar - 04. Mar 2017

​Saturday & Sunday 10:00 - 17:00

​Dance-, Breathing-, Aroma- and Music therapists take you into a creative Experience of the senses…

○ From stagnation to movement with Andrea Trilby.
○ Awareness of body and breathing with Eveline Gerber.
○ Get inspired by different aromas and learn more about the effect of anointing oils with Damaris Grunder.
○ Make music, dive into new rhythms and improvise with Barbara Quiram.

This weekend gives you the chance to get a feel for the various therapies and to explore a variety of exercises.

Body / Soul / Spirit"

02. May - 11. July 2017

Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​Next to balance exercises we will look at the following questions:

○ How can I live a balanced life with myself and my surrounding?
○ How can I take myself seriously and be sensitive to myself as in looking after myself without being fixated on my needs?
○ When do I live in one accord without being needy of harmony?
○ How do I give room to the Spirit without spiritualizing everything?
○ Where do I feel the Holy Spirit in my body?
○ What makes my soul leap and live it up?
○ What does my body need in terms of movement and relaxation?
○ What is the message of pain?
○ What really comforts me?

"​Dancing thru Psalms"

22. Aug - 03. Oct 2017

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​Psalms are old songs and a wonderful expression of the human soul.

We want to examine these nuances and explore our own world of emotions.

What kind of psalms are hidden inside of us? What laments, rage, cries for help and hymns of praise want to be expressed?

How can we get out of the downward spiral of sinister emotions into hope and heaven?

How to let go of patterns of the past and embrace the new life?

"​About becoming human"

24. Oct - 19. Dec 2017

​Tuesday Evening 19:15 - 21:45

​Way too many people wanted to be gods but only one God wanted to become a human…

This quarter leading up to Christmas we leave our phantasies about omnipotence behind and let go of any expected perfectionism. We face our human state with all its quirks and ups & downs, including our vulnerability and limitations.
How do I cope with my limitations?
Where does it hurt?
Can I still sense heaven thru it all?
How might Jesus have felt in his human experience?

We are going to exercise honesty with ourselves as well as with others. We are connected within the group in acceptance, friendship and healthy confrontation. What kind of support will I need from the group?